Saturday 1 April 2017

How to prevent sagging of the breasts

None of us can escape gravity, and it is clear that over time our breasts, which have their own weight, will lose their firmness . However this does not mean that we have to show a completely fallen or unattractive breast, and is that there are many options to ensure the firmness of this area, enhance its adequate flexibility and make our chest look up for longer. 

If you ask yourself how to avoid breast sagging read on, because at we give you the best tips for getting it.

Habits that cause sagging of the breasts

Before addressing those measures that we can take to prevent sagging of the breasts, it is important to take into account the conditions that produce breast flaccidity. The loss of collagen and elastin in the skin causes our skin to begin to lose its natural firmness, a process that of course also affects the breasts. This combined with the gravity caused by the weight of the breasts, will cause them to fall over time. In addition we must take into account the hereditary factors , and is that some women have a skin more prone to lose elasticity prematurely, which will lead to an early sagging of the breasts.
Apart from these factors that we can not modify, there are other causes of sagging breasts that we can improve, for example:
  • The sudden changes in weight , fat and slimming frequent or violent causes both fat and lose firmness, which can cause a significant drop chest. Taking into account that our chest is composed of fatty tissue, if it is reduced rapidly is normal that the skin of the area lose its firmness.
  • Use an unsuitable bra that does not provide firmness and adequate fastening . It is advisable to choose the size indicated and choose models of quality.
  • Failure to keep your back straight and having a bad posture can detonate the sagging of the chest, making it much more noticeable the fall of the breasts, so it is important to maintain a proper posture when walking and also while sitting.
  • Habits like smoking, sunbathing or eating an inappropriate diet also have a direct effect on the skin, causing it to lose sagging and the breasts to fall prematurely.
Stages such as pregnancy, in which the breasts greatly increase their size and then reduce with childbirth or stop nursing, also produce a slight fall of the breasts, however with the appropriate care and exercise it may go unnoticed .

Practice exercise to prevent sagging of the breasts

If you wonder how to avoid sagging , the first thing to know is that exercise is critical. Toning the pectoral muscle will help ensure the firmness of the breasts and prevent a premature fall, while exercising in a general way will help maintain the toning of your body and ensure a much healthier figure.
Swimming is a great alternative to work arms, chest and back in an integral way, however if you want to focus on the chest area specifically the push-ups and exercises with weights are your best allies. Where to begin? In our exercise article for pectorals without going to the gym we explain in detail the best alternatives.

Choose the right bra

It seems simple, but it is not! Most women have problems when choosing the bra because they usually opt for a size that is not appropriate . Wearing an over-tight bra can not only cause pain, discomfort and blemishes in the breasts, but also affect the health of the skin and lead to sagging. On the other hand a too large model will not provide the necessary support, allowing the breasts to move too much which can cause gravity to act much faster in the area.
If you want to clarify the way to do it, in our article how to choose a bra we give you the keys to get it.

Maintain good posture every time

Being always with a stooped back only makes your breasts constantly leaning forward, causing them to hang which compromises the flexibility of the skin and consequently causes them to fall prematurely. When walking you should keep your back straight and your chest out, when you are sitting it is convenient to keep your back straight and glued to the back of the chair.
A correct posture will also help you to conceal sagging breasts in case they are not as firm as you would like.

Hydrate your breasts properly

The breasts are covered with a very sensitive Derma Genetix  skin that is essential to keep hydrated. Applying a moisturizer containing vitamins or nutrients like vitamin E or urea is basic to make the dermis smooth but also to prevent the formation of stretch marks that comes especially when we rise and lose weight.
Also do not forget to take at least 2 liters of water a day, as the internal hydration is also key to maintain the health and firmness of your skin.

Maintain a balanced diet

As we have explained above, rising and falling in weight is one of the main causes of sagging in the breasts, therefore it is fundamental to carry a balanced diet that allows to maintain an adequate weight, without abrupt changes.
Also incorporate foods rich in collagen or that favor their production as is the case of gelatine, fruits rich in vitamin C as strawberry, kiwi or orange, ingredients rich in omega 3 as blue fish, as well as soy products And antioxidants, will help stimulate skin elasticity and improve firmness.

Use sunscreen in this area

The sun causes great damage to our skin, being responsible for the premature aging of the dermis, especially in areas as sensitive as the face or skin of the chest. Sunbathing without protecting this area can cause premature wrinkles , dermis burns that age the area as well as loss of firmness, so it is recommended to use a sunscreen cream with at least 30 FPS to prevent damage to your breasts.

Apply cold in the area

Although the heat is ideal for relaxing our muscles and releasing tension, if you are looking for firm skin then cold is your best ally. That is why it is always recommended to finish the shower with a cold water stroke in both the chest and legs in order to improve circulation and ensure greater toning.
The bravest ones may also choose to apply in the area an ice pack properly protected with cloth or ice cubes also wrapped in a soft cloth. Place them in the breasts making circular movements, let the cold act for at least 1 minute in each breast, repeating daily for a good effect.

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